A Poem From A Very Good Friend Of Mine
Last night as I was walking
through the forest green,
I heard soft voices talking
But no one could be seen
I strained my eyes so I could see
from where the voices came
and as I stood beside a tree
the voices called my name
The voices told me not to dread
I knew I had nothing to fear
for I knew that I must forge ahead
of this I was very clear
I kept on walking, my head held high
as the voices kept summoning me,
as I stepped into a clearing, oh my
what a wonderous sight did I see
In front of me a wolf pack stood
such a beautiful sight to behold,
They asked me to stay if I could
for something important must be told
They told me to please go tell man
that they never mean to harm
they want to live the best they can
and do not want to alarm
That man and beast were put on earth
and for a very good reason
For like man, we too have worth
and we all live season to season
We all are here because the One above
made Mother Nature our mother
we must live as one and give our love
and call each other brother.
By: Spirit of Wolf
(Lani J. Adams)
Spirit Thieves
What must animals think of Mankind?
Not knowing some can be the cruelest
you could ever find.
Spirits run---
they play---
they graze and feed---
and in an instant their lives could
come to an end -- indeed,
by those who have no feeling for a life
be it plant, animal, or wildlife.
Where or where will it ever end?
Can we not all live with God's
creatures as their friends?
By TipperWolf Jan. 99
The Calling
What is the wolf trying to say
"I think I do know"
There is much he needs to convey
if only we would open our eyes
and see the wolf knows his own way
He lives for his pack and for them
would die
but sadly is killed, for no good reason
and his howls cry out from deep inside
Please let me be I live for the seasons
so listen when the wolf does call
do not fear or be afraid
let him be, to stand tall
and his home we will not invade
Mother Earth knows what is best
and that is for us to learn
the wolf to us we should not oppress
this should be our main concern
By TipperWolf Nov. 1999
A feather did come down to me
floating so gently all the way.
Dropped by a bird flying so free,
waiting to be picked up without delay.
A life it has of its own,
tho' separated from the one it belonged.
Now feather and I will be known
as two together for lifelong.
By TipperWolf 9/21/2000
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