We are known as the Spiritmates of the Wolf
and together we will run.
to love him....
to save him....
to protect this wondrous one.
Some say he must fall and not be here at all
but Brothers and Sisters to that I say
we will be here...
not turning our backs...
awaiting his call....
For we are one...
wolf and man....
Brothers and sisters in the palm of
God's hand.
By TipperWolf Aug. 98
"Heart Beat"
The heart of the wolf beats
like a distant drum
bringing us together as one.
It is he who knows the value of family
it is mankind who should let him be....
to carry on...
to be free....
to roam his place in history.
Let us all come together....
for brother wolf
so that his heartbeat....
will not become silent
that the distant drum...
will not cease singing
and his history will not be lost
By TipperWolf July 98
"Good Dog"
By Nerissa (daughter of the sea) July 98
"By Campfire's Light"
As I sit in campfire light on hillside high
watching flames dancing....
smoke spiraling upwards to sky...
I hear the distant howl of brother wolf so lone.
Sweet howlings floating up to me
taking me home.
His songs fill my ears with such sweet sounds
and open my eyes to clearly see....
the beauty of nature surrounding me.
Nature is not to be taken lightly.....
nor for granted.
Brother wolf cries for the day a seed will be planted
in the minds of us all....
A seed of commitment to help Mother Nature
never wither and fall.
By TipperWolf Aug. 98
The forest and woods are Mother Earth's most
precious neighborhoods. This is where all God's
creatures big and small all run together.....
until some fall
fall at the hands of man
no, it is not up to man to make such a call
as only nature knows who will fall.
The wolf is part of Mother Earth's great plan
and we all must do whatever we can.....
to insure his place
in this great land.
So the next time you hear the howl of a wolf
it will make you feel good as you will know
that he is home
in his neighborhood.
By TipperWolf Aug. 98
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