Welcome to My Place!

My Critters big and small

Now it's time to tell a little about all my critters.
First off there is my dog Tippy (hence the name Tipperwolf).
She is a shepherd mix and looks a little like a coyote,
has a howl that is pure wolf and the ears of a Dingo.
She and I are really bonded.

Next is Echo and Buddy my two horses.
Echo is a purebred gorgeous bay Arabian, and Buddy
is a beautiful palamino and is half Arab, half quarter
and a little Appy thrown in.

There is nothing like riding the trails communing with
nature on your favorite horse. They both are my largest pets
and if I could, I probably would have them in
the house with me!

Next there are my three cats, Casey who I've had for a long
time, Mikey & Big Boy who wandered into our ranch, and
now are part of my menagerie.

I also have 5 chickens and 3 roosters (all named of course)
who are also pets as are my ducks Lucky and Scooter.
One of my roosters, Peeper, is a beautiful miniature and
is quite a character.

I raised him in a little box on the stove and he is 6 years
old now. He sleeps in the house in his bedtime cage and crows
whenever the phone rings. He is outside during the day and
when he wants to come in he flies up to the window box and
pecks the window screen.

One of the chickens is a little brown chicken called Elly.
She was saved from being fed to a snake when a babychick,
so I rescued her.

She was also raised in the house and thinks that's where
she is supposed to sleep. When she grew older I put her out
with the other chickens during the day and as soon as it
started to get dark all the others went in the chicken
house but not Elly. She flew out of the chicken yard and
walked up to our back deck, and was very vocal until she was
brought in to her bedtime cage.

She also comes up during the day to lay her egg in our garden,
such a silly chicken. I don't think Peeper and Elly
are spoiled, do you?

My last pets to list are 3 white and 2 brown doves and a teeny
tiny fish called Tiny. I have lost some of my beloved pets in
the last few years and it was so very hard losing them
as all were very much a part of my life.

I know I will see all my beloved pets at the Rainbow Bridge
when my time comes. I am an animal care giver now and when I
leave this life I will continue to be in the hereafter also.

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Critter Pictures
My flute collection and more...
My feelings about the Wolf
Some of my poems
More of my poems
Pets That Have Gone To The Rainbow Bridge
Kiowa's Poem (a special wolf pup)
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